I received this error because of some issues with portal catalog. A folder containing images was deleted but the catalog was not updated correctly. my-obj-path was just one of the 899 images. I created in Management Interface a python script to find all broken brains: Then, the solution was to go to Catalog and press…
Category: Programare
Disable LDAP (Plone 6)
Site Setup -> Management Interface (ZMI) -> acl_users -> pasldap -> Activate -> uncheck all -> Update
Sitemap Plone 6
Tests volto addon (in your local app)
In Makefile add: Then $ cd clms-frontend$ env ADDON=volto-clms-theme make test
Remove all jobs from plone.app.async queue
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77920996/remove-all-jobs-from-plone-app-async-queue http://localhost:8080/plone/async-controlpanel-jobs?queue=&b_start:int=0&b_size:int=3000 $(“input[type=checkbox]”).click() $(“input[name=’form.button.Delete’]”).click() Another solution
Discuții amuzante la birou
De prin 2015, cred. Le-am găsit între notițele mele. Z: Vrei un ketonal?D: Nu. Eu prefer să mă plâng.Z: Eu prefer să iei un ketonal. … Parcă ești o babă. Z: D, poți să încerci un URL?D: Păi, dă-mi-l!Z: Nu. Ghicește-l! D: T are un hard disk nou de 3 TB…T: Nu mai e așa…
Web developer – random moment
Clarifică-i cuiva de ce nu merge ceva ce n-ai înțeles de ce mergea când mergea.
Zope, mc
Buildout error
Getting distribution for ‘ZODB3==3.10.5’.In file included from src/BTrees/_OOBTree.c:32:src/BTrees/BTreeModuleTemplate.c:15:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory15 | #include “Python.h”| ^~~~~~compilation terminated.error: Setup script exited with error: command ‘x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc’ failed with exit status 1An error occurred when trying to install /tmp/tmp6auBruget_dist/ZODB3-3.10.5.tar.gz. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.While:Installing.Getting section zeo.Initializing section…
Module build failed – Babel
throw new Error(“Module build failed (from ./node_modules/razzle/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):\nTypeError: [BABEL] Soluția: Am șters din node_modules tot ce era cu babel