In Makefile add: Then $ cd clms-frontend$ env ADDON=volto-clms-theme make test
Tag: docs
Run jest tests for volto add-on
$ cd clms-frontend$ env RAZZLE_JEST_CONFIG=src/addons/volto-clms-theme/jest-addon.config.js yarn test src/addons/volto-clms-theme
Cypress tests for Plone 6 + Volto (local)
Example: Make sure that Plone is running: http://localhost:8080/Make sure that Volto is running (or maybe just ignore this?!): The best way is: Solve system limits error:
Git checkout tag
Plone 6 add manager user
Plone Volto The Big List of Small Volto Rules/Tips
Cât durează procesarea unei e-facturi după ce ai trimis-o?
Lunile trecute primeam răspuns cam după 10 minute. Azi a durat 59 de minute.
LazyVim errors
Solution (in my case)::Lazy update
Debug mode plone in Rancher
Test plone/volto branch
In blabla-frontend -> package.json:replaced“@plone/volto”: “16.30.0”with“@plone/volto”: “github:plone/volto#backport5797_16” Or: