Login, User settings, Notifications, Fine Tune Alerts, find project, set On -> Off, Fine Tune Workflow Notifications: Always -> Never.
Tag: docs
Fix broken description (ASCII issue) in Plone object
Rancher plone container debug mode
Interactive instead of None Execute shell ./bin/zeo_client fg
Change HTTPS to SSH remote url, GitHub
https://github.com/OWNER/REPOSITORY.git Yey!
Add user in Plone 4
./bin/standalone adduser username password
Docker clean up
docker system prune -a
Plone 4 default page
Having a folder with a page set as display:
Actualizat bază de date demo website
Plone robots.txt block search engines
In @@manage_main -> portal_skins -> custom, add a file robots.txt. To block search engines:
Google Fonts în site WordPress
Instalezi plugin Fonts Plugin | Google Fonts Typography, configurezi și gata. În felul ăsta am schimbat font-ul folosit în articolele de aici. Cel implicit nu avea diacritice bune.