In Makefile add: Then $ cd clms-frontend$ env ADDON=volto-clms-theme make test
Tag: programare
Cypress tests for Plone 6 + Volto (local)
Example: Make sure that Plone is running: http://localhost:8080/Make sure that Volto is running (or maybe just ignore this?!): The best way is: Solve system limits error:
Discuții amuzante la birou
De prin 2015, cred. Le-am găsit între notițele mele. Z: Vrei un ketonal?D: Nu. Eu prefer să mă plâng.Z: Eu prefer să iei un ketonal. … Parcă ești o babă. Z: D, poți să încerci un URL?D: Păi, dă-mi-l!Z: Nu. Ghicește-l! D: T are un hard disk nou de 3 TB…T: Nu mai e așa…
Web developer – random moment
Clarifică-i cuiva de ce nu merge ceva ce n-ai înțeles de ce mergea când mergea.
Cuvinte random din notițe
Fac curat pe Google Keep. Hai să păstrez totuși ceva cuvinte cheie. Sunt legate de munca mea ca programator și viața mea acasă în jurul biroului. ereader, Skype, Zope, Google Analytics, Plone, Control Panel, SSH, Git, branch, xml, redesign, Python, Unicode, Sublime, interface, workflow, template, registry, CAPTCHA, https, debug, Kotti, Pyramid, SQL Alchemy, javascript, jQuery,…
Zope, mc
Buildout error
Getting distribution for ‘ZODB3==3.10.5’.In file included from src/BTrees/_OOBTree.c:32:src/BTrees/BTreeModuleTemplate.c:15:10: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory15 | #include “Python.h”| ^~~~~~compilation terminated.error: Setup script exited with error: command ‘x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc’ failed with exit status 1An error occurred when trying to install /tmp/tmp6auBruget_dist/ZODB3-3.10.5.tar.gz. Look above this message for any errors that were output by easy_install.While:Installing.Getting section zeo.Initializing section…
Module build failed – Babel
throw new Error(“Module build failed (from ./node_modules/razzle/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js):\nTypeError: [BABEL] Soluția: Am șters din node_modules tot ce era cu babel
Quick copy-paste command in terminal (Ubuntu)
Instead of: select, Ctrl + Shift + C, Ctrl + Shift + Vdo: select, middle mouse click
Sentry stop notifications for a project
Login, User settings, Notifications, Fine Tune Alerts, find project, set On -> Off, Fine Tune Workflow Notifications: Always -> Never.