In my case I searched for items that contains any kind of “form” block: Register a view (MyView): configure.zcml Then go to localhost:8080/Plone/my-view
Tag: solutions
KeyError brain in getObject Plone 6
I received this error because of some issues with portal catalog. A folder containing images was deleted but the catalog was not updated correctly. my-obj-path was just one of the 899 images. I created in Management Interface a python script to find all broken brains: Then, the solution was to go to Catalog and press…
rsync rancher config
Go to rancher stack Add service eeacms/rsync (same settings as for other projects) Volumes – use the volume listed in storages: my_website_data:/data then $ ssh root@vv.vvv.vv.vv -p 22222 yes $ cd /data/
Disable LDAP (Plone 6)
Site Setup -> Management Interface (ZMI) -> acl_users -> pasldap -> Activate -> uncheck all -> Update
pdb – kill the current process
ctrl+\ kills the current process
Convert and resize png files – Ubuntu
Convert all jpegs to png: $ mogrify -format png *.jpeg Resize width 300 px for all pngs in this folder: $ mogrify -resize 300x *.png
Tests volto addon (in your local app)
In Makefile add: Then $ cd clms-frontend$ env ADDON=volto-clms-theme make test
Run jest tests for volto add-on
$ cd clms-frontend$ env RAZZLE_JEST_CONFIG=src/addons/volto-clms-theme/jest-addon.config.js yarn test src/addons/volto-clms-theme
Cypress tests for Plone 6 + Volto (local)
Example: Make sure that Plone is running: http://localhost:8080/Make sure that Volto is running (or maybe just ignore this?!): The best way is: Solve system limits error:
Yellow screen Ubuntu